I had a dream


I had a dream last night. In the churches and meeting places all around the world teachers were telling the stories of the prophets and ancient writings about spirits or angels visiting humans with instructions on how to live a better life. But that story was of the past, so I asked, “Where are the stories for us?”, “Where are the visitors from the angelic realm that the ancient writings spoke about now?”

Now I could see them. They were watching those churches and meeting places. Then I heard ancient Eastern teachings being taught in the West and a new generation started to listen. It was unlike the Western teachings for the past one and a half thousand years.

I saw a new generation unlike any before unhappy with politics and war. They where beatnicks, hippies and the flower children and it was the Summer of Love. The message they chanted was make peace not war! But they kept making war.

Now there was great fear and expectation that there would be an apocalypse, armageddon, the end of the world as we know it. The hands of the Doomsday Clock where at one minute to midnight. Fear grew. Some pointed to ancient inscriptions, a Myan calendar. It corresponds with our year 2012 and marked the end of time. Twenty twelve came and 2012 went and as the planet moved through the procession of the equinoxes as marked in those ancient writings a new energy from the part of the galaxy the Earth was now travelling through fell upon the planet and the Earth started to change and along with it, humanity.

It wasn’t the end of the world, it was the end of the evolution of humanity. The light, the energy was effecting human mass consciousness and humanity was waking up! They where finally making peace not war!

The celestial beings of the ancient writings and our galactic neighbours who had been observing humanity rejoiced at this event because this time humanity didn’t destroy itself as it did in the past. This time we made it. Humanity side stepped the Armageddon of the Bible and world destruction prophesied in other ancient records.

Humanity and the Earth where now joining their Celestial and Galactic neighbours as beings of light in that realm from which all that is, is.

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