Finding the G-Spot

Some of my earliest memories are of me sitting on the front step with a pencil and paper drawing Astro Boy. I could render a pretty good likeness of Doctor Elephant as well.astroelephant

My talent for reproducing early Japanese anime wasn’t particularly useful in my working career nor the fighter jet planes that adorned the school’s text books after I had finished with them or that incident involving a spray can and the school wall. Though, whenever possible, I illustrated and designed to earn a living. It’s what I enjoyed doing.

I’ve been asked to illustrate an assortment of things from devices like operating tables, welders, truck and car parts and laboratory equipment. I enjoyed drafting maps and drawing birds eye views of districts and estates, artist impressions of property developments and posters of all kinds. However, finding material for my latest project was a little more challenging.

I was asked to draw a G-Spot!

It was to be included in a publication by my female doctor employer about increasing women’s libido. Time for research.

I’ve been married close to 30 years and work in an office full of women so, of course, when it came to researching women’s sexuality I didn’t breath a word of it. I needed to find the G-Spot? Of course, where else? Google.

The guys in I.T. sounded professional on the phone but I suspect they may have had a snicker or two when I told them some of the search tags I required in order to get past the firewall.

When I informed my employer and the author of the publication that I had researched the location of the G-Spot and produced an illustration showing where the majority opinion said it was, she was extremely pleased with the result.

Later in the day there was an unannounced vist to the office by a female colleague of the Doctor’s and they walked in while I had the illustration on the screen. The first thing the visitor saw on screen was a 21 inch vulva, to which my female employer announced loud enough for all the women in the office to hear.

“This is my designer Mark, he has been searching for days but at last he has found the G-Spot for me.”

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